Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Come Ye Thankful People

Turkey Trot - One of my Favorite Traditions
Few in Number this Year - Melissa, Jessica and Me!  
A beautiful morning

The feast

  David and his "Movember" Moustache

I give thanks for countless bounteous blessings.  

"O Lord we thank Thee
For this food
For every blessing, every good.
For earthly sustenance and love
Bestowed on us from heaven above.
Be present at our table Lord
Be here and everywhere adored.
Thy children bless and grant that we
May feast in paradise with Thee."
--John Cennick, 1741


Friday, November 25, 2011

Practically Perfect

I loved celebrating Mary's 5th birthday in New York City.  She is so sweet, smart, helpful, loving and capable - 
We enjoyed dinner at the American Doll Store on 5th Avenue.  We also celebrated by rowing all around the lake in Central Park and attending 
Mary Poppins on Broadway. 
  It was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
 So perfect for our Mary who is "Practically Perfect" in every way!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Because of You - I'm Stronger

William Eric Boren

I'm honored to pay tribute to our wonderful William Eric Boren - also known as:  Billy, Bill and his favorite - "Wild Willy".

We grew up in a big happy family. We were "born of goodly parents".  This week as we have talked about Billy's life, we have recalled so many sweet and happy memories.  We lived in Ogden, Utah during Bill's childhood and teenage years.  He loved our home -  the scrub oak, creek, big tree with the rope swing and sand hills - a boy's paradise.  
Sledding, boating, skiing, trips to Yellowstone and fishing with Grandpa Nuttall.  
Family meals, singing, learning to work.  Billy always loved little children.  He welcomed and adored each baby brother and sister as they joined our family.  Those were wonderful days - Camelot.

Billy was proud of his Eagle Scout award and always lived the Scout Oath:  "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty...."

It was comforting to read Billy's Patriarchal Blessing, received before serving his mission to Thailand.

"Brother William Eric Boren, beloved and chosen son of our Heavenly Father.  Our Heavenly Father loves you because you are one of his choice sons.  You have a special mission to perform.  If you remain humble and prayerful, you will accomplish the work you have been sent here to do.  You can best honor your parents by being obedient to them, keeping the commandments of the Lord and serving faithfully."
This blessing truly became a part of Bill.

Billy loved Thailand, the people, the country, the food.  He mastered the language - He was loved by the Thai people for his warm and friendly manner.  He served well and when he completed his mission, our family had moved to Salt Lake City.

It was then we first learned Billy suffered from Muscular Dystrophy, which would, over the course of his life, weaken his body but never his spirit.  

The words of the blessing describe Billy's life.  He loved the Lord.  He was obedient and served faithfully.  He grew to become one of the strongest men I know.  He faced each challenge and sorrow with optimism and smiled through it all - never complaining or asking "Why Me?"

Billy was always handsome, well-dressed - with a dash of cologne.  He always loved the ladies.  
He loved order and in his drawers his clothes were folded to perfection.  He was grateful and took meticulous care of all he had.  He spent hours detailing and polishing his cars.  Billy was a thrift store shopper and enjoyed bringing home a little treasure.  Betsy calls it his "retail therapy".  Bill loved to play the piano and sing and could often be heard singing in the shower.  Recently Mom and Dad visited him and as they walked in the door they could hear him upstairs, playing his keyboard and belting out a song.  Mom told him he better tone it down a little so he wouldn't disturb the other residents and he replied, "Oh, they can't hear much anyway."  

Bill loved the simple joys of life - watching birds in the fields of Liberty and reading.  He was an avid sports fan and usually got a little too excited - sometimes speaking in tongues. Bill loved people.  He loved to chit-chat, always asking about you and your family.  He never seemed in a hurry to move on to the next person.  

Best of all, he loved being a father.  Billy's blessing promises:  "You will be blessed with children to come to your home.  Parenthood is a God-given privilege and brings with it great responsibilities but it also brings many wonderful blessings.  It will be your duty to teach your children the Gospel of Jesus Christ."  Billy honored his responsibility as a parent.  He did all he could to love, support and guide his children.  They are wonderful children and the crown of his life.  He was so proud of Erika and the kind, capable, beautiful woman she has become.  He loved her husband, Ammon, and was grateful to welcome him into the family.  Billy was so proud of Leif for his faithfully serving a mission and attending BYU Idaho.  Bill was grateful and so proud as Leif gave him a Priesthood Blessing before the surgery.  Billy loved his sweet, strong Kalen and often called him his "Gentle Giant".  Ella was the light of his life.  He loved her weekend stays at the Cabin.  She was his sweet little girl - a treasured blessing.

After many years of willing himself to somehow get up each day and go to work, there came a day Bill could not get out of bed.  After much thought, fasting and prayer, Bill decided to try to prolong his life by undergoing surgery to have an LVAD help his weak heart.

It has been a long journey and Bill fought through a blood clot, second surgery, kidney and liver failure. And through it all - he smiled and sang.  One particularly hard day, Dad asked Billy if he'd like to sing a song.  Dad took his hand and together they sang "Danny Boy".

A few weeks ago Bill came to Sunday dinner at our home.  He told us he made a promise to the Lord that if he survived the surgery, he would do his best to help teach his young daughter Ella the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Last month, Clark drove him to Brigham City to attend Ella's Primary Program.  Bill was so very proud of her. 

 Dad had driven him to attend Ella's new ward where he introduced himself and Ella to her new bishop. It was his hope and desire she have the opportunity to attend Primary. That was one of his last good days.  

The fine physicians and entire University of Utah Medical Staff were so very kind to Bill.  They gave their very best efforts to make his life better and implanted a unique LVAD which allowed Bill to swim.  This was the first of it's kind to be used in North America - their work is very cutting edge and miraculous. Bill was a pioneer. We are grateful for their knowledge, skill and compassion.  It is our hope that their work with Bill will help future heart patients.

On the 6th South exit is a billboard larger than life of Bill.  He is in the pool, a big smile on his face and it reads:  Because of "U" I'm stronger.  I love it!

Early Monday morning, about 5:30 a.m. on my way downtown, I slowly drove past the billboard.  It was dark and quiet and there he was, up in lights, smiling at me.  I just knew.  I felt he said to me - "I'm stronger - I'm happy - I'm going home."

"I have fought a good fight - I have finished my course - I have kept the faith."
            2 Timothy 4:7

Bill accomplished the work he was sent here to do.  

Bill was so strong and because of him, I want to be a better person - happy and optimistic, smiling through adversity, gentle and kind, grateful - filled with charity, loving without judgement - faithful and true.

Bill forgave and was forgiven.  He was at peace.

One last line from his blessing:  "You are an example before your fellowmen and many are following after you.  They are listening to your teachings."

Billy, you are our example, our hero.  We truly are stronger because of you.

I love this quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:

"This was the noblest of  them all,
His life was gentle,
And the elements so mixed in him
That Nature might stand up
And say to all the world
This was a man!"

We give thanks and celebrate this great, gentle man.  I'm so happy for Bill.  He's free - I know he lives - I know he was welcomed home by his Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ with honor and open arms.  I'm grateful that families are forever - our connections are eternal.

I love the Lord's promise:

But those who wait upon the Lord,
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings as eagles;
They shall run and not be weary;
And they shall walk and not faint.  
      Isaiah 40:31

Farewell for now, our happy warrior.  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Season of Gratitude

Yesterday we enjoyed the first snow in the valley.  I woke to snow softly falling and a feeling of anticipation for the holidays soon upon us.
  A few weeks ago we were privileged to attend a devotional in the Solemn Assembly Room at the Salt Lake Temple.  In that beautiful building, built by our beloved pioneers, President Eyring spoke to us with powerful words that went straight to my heart.
He admonished us to "watch" how the Lord has blessed and will bless our families. "The blessings of the temple will reach across the miles...your homes-holy angels will guard them...you are appreciated by the Lord...if we honor our covenants, our children will be given power to overcome...A loving God sees and loves your family...He sends angels to bear us up."
  In this wonderful Season of Gratitude, I watch and give thanks for my many blessings; foremost of which is my family and the blessing of sealing powers and temple blessings -
"enduring connections with loved ones." 
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers..." Malachi 4:6 
When I pause and ponder, I can "watch" and know how very bountifully my family has been blessed.

Wonderful Pot Roast

4-5 pounds Beef Chuck Pot Roast
Garlic Salt, to taste

Garlic salt the roast and place in a crock pot.

1 (10/4 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
1 package dry onion soup mix
1 jar beef gravy (Franco-American) or 1 package prepared dry beef gravy mix 
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

Mix together and pour over roast.  Cook on low-heat for 12 hours or high-heat for 6 to 7 hours. Take roast out when cooked, strain gravy to get rid of lumps, and thicken with cornstarch and cold water mixture.