Saturday, December 31, 2016

Home & Shepherds

I love Homecoming Stories, Dorothy in her ruby slippers, exclaiming, “There’s No Place Like Home – LeBron James’ heartfelt return to his hometown crowd - delivering Cleveland a long awaited championship. Those of you who have read “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy will remember Frodo Baggins, after destroying the ring of power, returns to his beloved Shire – the deepest desire of his heart.  This pattern, Tolkien called “there and back” is so ingrained in the human narrative – think of The Prodigal Son, the soldier returning home from war and the missionary after faithful service.  Truly, there is No Place Like Home. After 7 years, It is good to be back - We are grateful to be Home for Christmas.


I love this Primary song:

Jesus is my shepherd

I’m His little lamb

If I stray or lose my way

I can call to Him.  

He will not leave me behind,

He loves His little lambs, He’ll come and find me.  He will not leave me alone,

He will bring me safely home.


I would like to share a few thoughts today of Home and Shepherds.


We were blessed to worship with the Parley’s Single Adult Saints for over four years.  Most of that time was spent in the magnificent Granite Tabernacle.  How blessed we were to meet in that historic and beautiful building.  It felt like Home to me.  I loved the light streaming through the windows, illuminating the back wall with the gold leaf words, “The Glory of God is Intelligence.”  I love the Garden of Eden mural, the balcony, the fireplaces, the Ballroom, the Parrot Room – the craftsmanship and architecture of this grand, old Tabernacle.  Every Sunday I was uplifted and blessed by beautiful music, inspiring messages, filled with the Spirit of Light and truth.  Most of all I loved the sacrament, so quiet and still – renewing and remembering covenants and looking out at the dear members and realizing how very much they loved the Lord.  This was our spiritual home and truly our ward family.


As we worshipped together, prayed together, served together, this scripture became real for us:


“Now therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.”

Ephesians 2:19

Dave and I were personally blessed to be embraced by this ward family – a home and place of peace and refuge.  


The members of the PSA ward were blessed with leaders who gave their best to help each individual on their journey of faith.  Our Bishop, Chris Nielsen was a wonderful Shepherd.  He truly loved and knew each member by name and their individual stories.  He is an amazing man who was chosen, called and guided by the hand of the Lord to stand at the helm – ordained with the mantle and holding the keys to minister, organize and bless such a large congregation which at one point reached over 800 members – to guide each individual on their path to return to our Heavenly home. 


Before receiving this calling, I always knew that some callings were inspired but thought that many times leaders just had to fill slots.  The Lord has humbled me and taught me otherwise.  I personally witness that our calling to serve with Bishop Nielson and his wife Heidi was a calling from a loving God.  He knew us and now recognize His merciful hand in my life.  I know the Lord was watching over Dave and me as we were called to serve in Parleys 7th.  It was not by chance but a sacred tender mercy given by a loving Heavenly Father who knows us and cares about the details of our lives.

Last Spring, we were visiting our daughter Jessica and her husband, Matt Menlove in California as he was ordained to the Bishopric of their ward.  Matt bore his testimony, and told of meeting with the Stake President as he extended the call to serve.  This wise man counseled, “sometimes the Lord extends a call for you to rescue others, but more often than not, as you serve faithfully, you are the person the Lord rescues.”  Our calling was a great blessing to us.  The past several years have been a time of great personal trial.  Bishop Nielson and Heidi loved and rescued us.  We are eternally grateful for their wise counsel, love, understanding, and friendship.  I am grateful for all the ward members for their goodness and kindness.  We loved them and they loved us.  

For many in the Singles Ward, their lives have not gone according to plan.  They suffered disappointments, heartache and loneliness; yet were there to worship and serve.  Service was our watchword. Each member had a calling and our Bishop, as our shepherd, found a place for each member of His flock.  St. Joseph’s Villa, Fill the Pot at Pioneer Park serving alongside the Calgary Baptist Church – many were called as Scout Leaders, Primary teachers, Young Men and Young Women leaders serving in wards needing help and support. I have never witnessed such a Spirit of Service. Yesterday I received a beautiful handmade card from Kari, one of our Single Friends.  It didn’t have a family photo, she has not been blessed with a husband or children; but nourishes an eternal perspective.  Kari shared her light and faith with this message:  JOY has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.  


Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.  Matthew 16 :24-25


This is the Lord’s perfect plan.  As we serve each other, we are buoyed up, blessed, strengthened and our own burdens become light.  We can more clearly feel the Lord’s love and our testimonies are strengthened.  Gratitude increases.   One of the greatest blessings of service is that we grow to love those for whom we sacrifice.  


One of my favorite P7 “Homecoming Stories” was told by Emily.  She had been inactive in the Church for over 18 years and was contemplating having her name removed from the records of the church.  Her roommate was persistent and continued to invite her just come to church with me today, I think you will really feel at home in my ward.”  Emily came, reluctantly,and when she sat down before sacrament meeting, she felt familiar warmth.  Memories, came flooding back from childhood.  As the hymns were sung, she remembered familiar words.  As the water was passed during the sacrament, she remembered the sound of the tinkling water cups and felt the love of the Lord. She heard the Spirit whisper -  “this is home, the place you need to be.”  Emily kept attending, worked with the Bishop, served and shared her sacred “Homecoming” story with the congregation. 


love this CS Lewis passage -The Last Battle, Chronicles of Narnia:


"I have come home at last!  This is my real country!  I belong here.  This is the Land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now."


I know our Heavenly Father watches over us and will show us the way and direct our paths home to Him. He provides Shepherds to bring us back into the fold.  He will seek us out – He will carry us and make us whole. He will provide opportunities for us to shepherd and strengthen fellow travelers.  



I bear testimony that the Lord knows each of us.  We are numbered, remembereand nourished to keep us in the right way.    


And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the Church of Christ, and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ who was the author and finisher of their faith.  Moroni 6:4


The Singles ward home and family was a sacred moment in time.  I think it is interesting that the Lord many times calls His people to come and build up and then asks us to move on – whether it be to a new location or a new calling.  The Pioneers were well acquainted with this process as are missionaries who serve for a time and then move to a new area.  This is how the Lord builds His Church, this is how he nourishes and sanctifies His people.  This is His pattern.  I am eternally grateful for the time we worshipped and served together.  P7 was a unique and wonderful ward and we will forever enjoy bonds of friendship and love. Now we are grateful for a new beginning – a new chapter, a new opportunity to serve and grow.  


I am grateful for this Christmas Season – a time of celebration, of joy, of service, of really contemplating the role Jesus Christ plays in our individual lives.    As each year passes, I recognize how much the Lord has blessed, guided and watched over me.  I love the Shepherds in the Christmas narrative:


And there were in that same country, Shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night – and the glory of the Lord shone round about them…. Luke 2:9


recognize and am grateful for the Shepherds in my life.  Yesterday I was privileged to attend an endowment session at the Salt Lake Temple.  My 88 year old Father presented a part in the ordinances and my heart was filled with gratitude for this wise Shepherd whose faith and testimony have provided me with a firm foundation.


Recently I was reminded of my very unfortunate Bike Ride Adventure, The Veyo Loop in Saint George.  We started with some our children and as I struggled to keep up – they left me in the dust.  Thankfully, my dear husband remained with me as I slowly made my way up the very steep incline.  I was not prepared – had no water, phone or money for pie at the top of the hill.   I was not trained to ride so hard and so far and didn’t know how I was going to make it home.  Dave literally pushed me from behind for the last ten miles.  I was grateful that when I was weak, he was there to help me home.  He is my shepherd in so many ways.   


I am grateful for our dear Relief Society President, Mary who has watched over me.  I am grateful for our kind and wise President Sorenson and Bishop Webber , who truly are our Shepherds and have ministered, watched over us and provided opportunities to prepare us for our challenges. I am grateful for Brother Skip Brooks who shares lovingkindness and eternal perspective.  


And the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them,
Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  
And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.  
The shepherds said one to another.  Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.  
And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.  


When our son was a small boy, we were given a Harry Anderson print of the resurrected Christ.  It is beautiful and Christ is coming forth with glory in the clouds – concourses of angels surround Him.  I asked our little son about the painting and he replied, “that is Jesus and all Him friends.”


Throughout the years I’ve thought a lot about my little boy’s pure, sweet testimony of our Savior.  I have asked myself, “how can I become His friend – how can I show my love for Him – how can I feel His Holy spirit and recognize His hand leading and guiding me as I journey through this life?  Where can I find Him? Do I come with haste and make His presence known?


-And the Shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told to them.  


When our son was serving his mission, he wrote a letter home titled “A Friend of Jesus.”


“With friendship and the impact of service on my mind, I have been asking the Lord if I am doing this right.  My answer came in DC 84:77 – And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends.  It is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends”

….The greatest friend I have made on my mission has been the Lord.  When no one else understands, he does.  He has truly been beside me preaching His gospel and truly what greater friend can we gain in this life?”


I love the holiday movie, Mr. Kruger's Christmas - "in the final scene, the lonely widower is talking to the Savior:


“Hello there.  I’m Willie Kruger, the custodian over at the Beck Apartments, but you know that don’t you? Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.  As long as I can remember you’ve been right by my side.  I’ll never forget when you walked with me in those first few hours, after I lost Martha.  I’ve always been able to count on you, when I felt dark inside – You were right there.  Every time. Even when I didn’t feel good about myself, I knew that you cared for me and that made me feel better.  I love you.  You are my closest, my finest friend.  And that means that I can hold my head high, wherever I go.  Thank you thank you.”



We become His friend by serving others and obeying His commandments --- we have His promise: 

Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer;

Thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am.”  Isaiah 58:9 


I was recently reading this scripture and noticed something new – the word “house”: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.”  Matthew 5:15  Our light and influence shine brightest and are most influential in our own house.  


I have loved the Church’s Christmas Initiative – Light the World – in 25 Ways over 25 Days. Our light will be a blessing to all that are in the house, the household of God – our house of worship, our own circle of influence of family, friends, neighbors and strangers placed in our path.   I know that as we Share our light – give of ourselves and serve,  the Lord will bless and magnify our efforts.  He will watch over and bless us.    I pray you will know and feel how very much He loves you,  and trust in His promises.  


Last year, I had the privilege of attending a Salt Lake Temple Devotional held in the Solemn Assembly Room.  Elder Cook spoke and told us that the Twelve have been hesitant to share sacred experiences – but have felt that sometimes they must boldly share their testimonies of Jesus Christ.  He then said something I will never forget:  I want you to know that I know the Savior’s face and I know His voice.”


“Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us.  God loves us, he is watching us, he wants us to succeed and return home. President  Ezra T. Benson


I am so very grateful for the birth, life and atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  I love Him.  He truly is our Shepherd and our Finest Friend.  Because He lives, we will someday arrive at our ultimate destination – home to that God who gave us life – 


I pray our hearts and homes will be filled with the Spirit of Christmas - the spirit of light and hope – comfort and joy and that we will feel Him near. I give thanks for our Shepherd, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, who surely came to save us all.