Friday, December 23, 2011

Holly Wears the Crown

Legends abound of the relationship of holly and Christmas.  Holly was a popular winter solstice festival gift,  honoring the Roman god Saturn.  Evergreen holly symbolized eternal life to the Druids.

Christians adopted some holly legends and at times it was called the "holy tree".  Some said the sharp leaves symbolized the crown of thorns on Christ's head and the red berries symbolized his blood and that hollies grew wherever he walked.

A Christian legend explains that one winter night, holly miraculously grew leaves, out of season, to protect the Holy family by hiding them from Herod's soldiers.  Holly remained evergreen as a token of Christ's gratitude.

Another legend maintains an orphan boy was living with the shepherds when the angels announced the Savior's birth. Having no gift, he wove a holly crown but when he presented to the newborn babe, he was ashamed of his poverty and began to cry.  When Jesus touched the crown it sparkled and the orphan's tears turned into beautiful scarlet berries.

The holly and the ivy,
When they are both full grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood,
The holly wears the crown.
               --Old English Carol

Holly, my Christmas Girl, my firstborn. 
 I'm grateful for her goodness; I am so proud of her.
  She continues to be a great blessing in my life -
 Can she really be almost 35 years old?
When I saw her for the first time, I couldn't believe she was my baby.  
She had lots and lots of hair - all my mother's babies were completely bald.  
Holly was such a beautiful little Christmas package.  
 Holly bears her name well - she truly wears the crown with lots of sparkle and shine. 
   She is loving, thoughtful, strong and faithful, a wonderful wife and mother-
a precious gift from a loving Father in Heaven.

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