Friday, May 18, 2012

George the Great is Eight

It seems like yesterday George was born.  The first time I saw him, the nurses had put a little cap on his head.  I just had to take a little peek, and when I removed the cap I had to let out a cheer!  This beautiful baby boy and the most fabulous head of hair I had ever seen.  George has grown to be a wonderful boy.  He is smart, funny, athletic and tender-hearted.  I was lucky to celebrate his birthday in New York City and attend his baptism.  
One of my favorite things to do while visiting is to walk the Mathisons to school.  As soon as George arrives, he is surrounded by friends.  George is a little light in the city, the "King of New York". I know George will always be an influence for good wherever he goes.

I Love Lucy

Little Lucy is 2.  She is sweet and spunky - just like her mama.  She smiles, laughs, dances and sings.  We love her so very much.  
After getting used to him, she loves her little brother and takes good care of him.
This has been a fun year for her living on Balboa Island.  
We can't wait to see her soon!


He is Risen

This year Easter was especially meaningful to me.  
I visited my brother Bill's grave and had the sweet reassurance that
"He is not here, for He has risen."  
I'm so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ.
  I know he suffered and died for each of us 
and that through repentance and obedience 
we can again live with our Heavenly Father after we die. 
 This knowledge gives purpose and meaning to life.  I am so very grateful.

Benjamin - Best Boy Ever

What a wonderful boy - our Benjamin.  He is eight years old and was baptized by his father.  We are so very proud of him.  For his birthday, Papa and I gave him a trip to New York City to visit his cousin George and attend his baptism.  We had a wonderful time - 9-11 Memorial, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, George Washington's Statue at the site of his Inaugural Address, The Bull on Wall Street, Times Square, Grand Central Station, The Natural History Museum, a Met's Game, baseball in Central Park and Randall's Island and George's Baptism.  We love Ben's sense of adventure, his sweet spirit and happy attitude. We know he will always be a good boy and choose good paths.  

M & M

Matt Mathison is an extraordinary example of a terrific husband and father.  We are so grateful for the tender love, devotion and care he gives to Holly and their family.  I'm grateful for his friendship, kindness and welcome as I visit wherever they are and for a few days join in on family activities.   I admire his optimism, drive and confidence and wish him the very best year yet!  
Happy Belated Birthday!


I have had a few months of "discombobulation" but now getting back on track.  I can't neglect to wish Jim a very happy belated birthday! We are so grateful for his kind, calm, caring presence in our family.  He is a man of many talents; Papa especially appreciates his golf skills!  I am most grateful that he is a kind and loving husband and that he and Annie are so very happy.  Wishing you both a wonderful year!