Monday, January 30, 2012

Matt Gets the Party Started

Happy Birthday Matt - Contractor Extraordinaire, 
Sweet Daddy and Husband.
We are grateful to have Matt in our family.
He is always smiling, upbeat and ready to -

Get the Party Started!

Looking forward to the arrival of Baby Boy Menlove,
and many more happy times.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Into the Fold

Today we were honored to attend the baptism of our friends and be a small part of their conversion.
The spirit was so sweet and strong as these wonderful people entered the waters of baptism.
We celebrated afterwards at their home - the tamales were delicioso!

And now I say unto you that the good shepherd doth call after you; 
and if you will hearken unto his voice
 he will bring you into the fold, and ye are his sheep. 
Alma 5:60

Minerva Teichert

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Who Has Seen The Wind?

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
the wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the leaves
bow down their heads
the wind is passing by.
        -Christina Rossetti

I read this poem again while helping George with homework. I've always liked it and am reminded of a favorite scripture:

And he said, Go forth, and stand
upon the mount before the Lord.
And, behold the Lord passed by,
and a great and strong wind
rent the mountains...
But the Lord was not in the wind;
and after the wind an earthquake;
but the Lord was not in the earthquake;
and after the earthquake a fire:
but the Lord was not in the fire;
And after the fire a still small voice.
   I Kings  9:11

I am grateful to feel the wind and hope I can always hear the still small voice.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Perfect Ten!

Our Matthew is 10 years old. I'll always remember rushing to San Francisco, arriving shortly after he was born.  Such a beautiful baby boy with so much dark brown hair- love at first sight! 
 We are so proud and love him so very much. 

 Last night I was lucky to come along and celebrate Matthew's birthday at 
"Spider Man: Turn off the Dark". 
Absolutely Fantastic! 
We sat in the flying circle section and were so close, Spiderman even winked at Mary.
 My favorite line from the play:
"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility". 
I know Matthew will continue to make good use of his many talents and abilities 
 and be a force for all that is good - a light to all around him.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Looking Out

I love to look out the window and watch and wonder as people pass by and 
day changes to night.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"People Throw Rocks at Things that Shine"

Just listening to the projections that Newt Gingrich will win the South Carolina Primary.
 A line from a Taylor Swift song came to mind:

"People throw rocks at things that shine."

How could decent,moral,people choose Newt Gingrich over Mitt Romney?  Mitt is everything we need in a President:
 He looks the part - He lives the part.  
Faithful, true, moral, smart and must I say "rich" - What is wrong with that?  He has lived the American Dream. Mitt has worked hard in the private sector and knows how to create jobs. He has not relied on the government for his livelihood and is not a "Washington Insider". Mitt has been successful in his public and private life. He has been a faithful husband and father. Those are the qualities that matter to me.
On to Florida!  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dr. Brinton

Happy Birthday Dr. Brinton 
We cannot believe you have reached the Big 40.
We are grateful for your sense of adventure and love for Camille and your four little angels.
Thanks for many happy memories: The Grand Teton, The Subway, St. George Marathon:  too many more to mention.
Love and Best Wishes!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mr. Henry

Happy Birthday Mr. Henry
My favorite memory of Henry this year was the introduction/talk he gave in his new ward. 

"Hi, I'm Henry Hardy. 
 I'm a Worker 
and I am a Child of God.
  I love my Mom and Dad."

Henry knows who he is - a sweet, happy, helpful, little boy.
Love you so much! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Big Little David

Happy Birthday - Our  Wonderful 6 Year Old!

Smart and Sweet, Strong and Sturdy, Rough and Tumble.
A Twinkle in Your Eye, Handsome and Curious.
Expert Boogie-Boarder and Black-Rock Jumper.
 So much fun to celebrate your big day on the beach.   
We love you so very much!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Mele Kalikimaka!
Day after Christmas 
 "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
All the Family  
Long flights, Delays, Arrivals
Blue Skies, Palm Trees, Sea Breeze,
Big, Blue, Beautiful Ocean
Gemini, Turtles, Dolphins, Whales, Eels, Flying Fish
Sun, Sand, Beach, Waves
Fresh Tracks
Holly's Birthday - 35! - Haleakala Sunrise, Black Rock Jumping
Little David Brinton's Birthday - 6!
Cousins, Colds, Dr. B. Prescriptions
Beach Chairs, Sand Castles, Sand Creatures
Turtles near the Shore, Swimming with Turtles
Swim to the Buoy
Surfing, Long Boards, Paddle Boards
Paddle Ball, Boogie Boarding
Golf, Lanai, Cabana Boys, Kapalua Golf Tournament
Sisters and Mom Run to the Banyan Tree
Cards, Football, Pool
"Auld Lang Syne"
New Year's Eve Celebration - Camille's Steak Sandwiches - Ball Drop 
Sunsets on the Beach
Plantation Brunch, Vistas
Changing Flights, Cancelled Flights
ABC Store, 
Pineapple, Pog, Taro Chips, Hula Pie, Mahi Mahi, Sensei, Ice Cream
Melona Bars, Hi Chews, Macadamia Nut Cookies
Slaughterhouse Beach, Kapalua, Kaannapali Alii
Time Flies
Aloha Paradise
Memories, Forever!!!


Mahalo Papa!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

William Rex Boren - He Who is Greatest

Happy Birthday Dad. I think it's interesting to note that today is Three Kings Day. I've always thought your name really symbolizes who you are - Rex - meaning "The King" - not a king in the worldly sense - you are much greater - a worthy and righteous priesthood holder and patriarch of our family: humble and kind, wise and learned, loving husband and father, tender and true. I love the scripture: "He who is greatest among you, let him be your servant". Service is the pinnacle of greatness; that which has defined your life - Sacrifice and service to your family and God. I love you so very much, Dad. Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Los Reyes Magos

I learned about the tradition of "Los Reyes Magos" from my friends, Rosita and Karin Sanchez. I was visiting them one evening and commented on their beautiful new coats and boots. The girls told me "Los Reyes Magos" had brought them. Their father, Carlos, tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I knew about Reyes Magos. I am diligently studying Spanish and thought he had asked if I knew a man whose name was Reyes Magos. He went on to explain that in Mexico, Los Reyes Magos bring gifts to children in remembrance of gifts the wise men gave the Christ Child. I understood! Los Reyes Magos are the magi kings who followed the star to Bethlehem. El Dia de Los Reyes Magos, also known as Epiphany or Three Kings Day, is January 6. I love this sweet tradition celebrated by our Hispanic friends.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

In the Hand of God

Welcome, welcome 2012 - a glorious new year filled with opportunity and hope. 

The poem,"The Gate of the Year" was published in 1908. It became well-loved when Queen Elizabeth handed a copy to her husband King George VI, and he quoted it in his 1939 Christmas Broadcast in the early days of World War II.

These inspirational words remained a source of comfort to the Queen for the rest of her life. She had them engraved on brass plaques and fixed to the gates of the King George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle, where the King was interred. The Queen Mother was also buried there in 2002, and "The Gate of the Year" was read at her state funeral.
The Gate of the Year
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the New Year, 
"Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown" 
and he replied,
 "Go out into the darkness
 and put your hand in the hand of God
-that shall be better than light
 and safer than a known way."
                                                                                      --Minnie Louise Haskins

New Year Sunrise - Haleakala