Saturday, January 21, 2012

"People Throw Rocks at Things that Shine"

Just listening to the projections that Newt Gingrich will win the South Carolina Primary.
 A line from a Taylor Swift song came to mind:

"People throw rocks at things that shine."

How could decent,moral,people choose Newt Gingrich over Mitt Romney?  Mitt is everything we need in a President:
 He looks the part - He lives the part.  
Faithful, true, moral, smart and must I say "rich" - What is wrong with that?  He has lived the American Dream. Mitt has worked hard in the private sector and knows how to create jobs. He has not relied on the government for his livelihood and is not a "Washington Insider". Mitt has been successful in his public and private life. He has been a faithful husband and father. Those are the qualities that matter to me.
On to Florida!  

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