Thursday, December 20, 2012


I have been heartbroken this week.  The horrific events at the Sandyhook School in Newtown, Connecticut have been so difficult to comprehend.  When I see the faces of the beautiful, sweet, innocent children who lost their lives, I can't help but weep for their loss.

 Mary's first grade class has been discussing PEACE.  PS 290's mascot is the peace sign - "peace and love" is their slogan.  Mary has been blessed with a wonderful teacher, Paula Rogovin.  Paula read the book, The Alphabet Tree, written by Leo Leoni.  It was written during the l960's during the Vietnam War.  As a side note, Leo Leoni's children attended PS 290 and he is one of Paula's favorite authors.  Paula then asked each child what peace means to them as a way to deal with the tragedy.  Here is the letter they wrote and sent to President Obama:

Mary's class is also making snowflakes to send to decorate the new facility where the Sandyhook School will be housed.  I talked to Mary and she told me she loves peace.  She wants everything peace for Christmas - peace sign jewelry, clothes, etc. Mary described peace to me and said it is quiet, joyful, kind, happy and everyone works together. 

I haven't really had anything on my Christmas list this year - but now it is clear  - All I want for Christmas is Peace. I want to be a peaceful person;  kind and tenderhearted, helpful, joyful, accepting, generous, loving and forgiving.   I pray for peace in my heart and home;  for the victims' families, the people of Newtown, Connecticut and all mankind. 

How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, 
that publisheth peace...
Isaiah 52:7 

Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth,
give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

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