Saturday, October 18, 2014

Light in Your Vessels

Happy Day 64

Jessica visited last month and bought me this Pumpkin Sugared Doughnut Candle. It fills my house with aroma and light. 
This is a favorite scripture and reminds me that I cannot cross this great deep alone. 

What will ye that I should do
that ye may have light in your vessels?

For behold, ye shall be as a whale 
In the midst of the sea;
for the mountain waves 
shall dash upon you. 
Nevertheless, I will bring you up again
 out of the depths of the sea...

And behold,
 I prepare you against these things;
 for ye cannot cross this great deep
save I prepare you 
against the waves of the sea, 
and the winds which have gone forth 
and the floods which shall come. 
    Ether 2:23-25

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