Friday, May 29, 2015


 Parley’s 7th Ward  Campout

How fortunate we have been to mingle together in God’s great outdoors.  I hope you have been renewed and refreshed as you have left the cares of the city behind and beheld the handiworks of God.

To commemorate Easter, our family memorized the Living Christ.  One brief sentence from that document comes to my mind often - “Under the direction of His Father, He was the Creator of the Earth.”  

How grateful I am for the beauties of this earth – the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, the mountains, oceans, rivers and lakes -
trees and flowers.  I hope you have had at least a few moments alone to contemplate your place in our Creator's perfect plan. Hopefully your distractions, worries and noise have been left behind in the city.

  Many prophets have gone to the mountains to draw closer to God.  It seems we are nearer to Him here.  Mountains are a symbols of strength.  They represent a firm foundation and steadfastness.  BYU President Kevin Worthen said, “Mountains are places of instruction – places to learn new things.  They are places of spiritual communication and revelation, and places of transfiguration.  Mountains are locations where people can be enlightened, uplifted and changed. “

I’m grateful to live in this beautiful place where our mountains are prominent landmarks.    Life is good.  Life is sweet as we recognize that we are part of God’s grand design and His finest creations.  He wants us to be happy and have peace. 

Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” 

Someone recently recommended we to do three things each day which give peace.  At the top of my list is to go outside and breathe deeply. I find great peace and purpose working in my garden and looking up at our beautiful mountains.  I would challenge you to think about that advice.  For one week, do three things which bring you peace and write them down.  Please consider going to temple, The Mountain of the Lord.  

I love this quote from Anton Chekhov:

“We shall find peace.  We shall hear angels.  We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.”

We have loved spending time with you.  We love serving with you and ask the Lord’s choicest blessings be upon each one.    

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