Thursday, May 28, 2015

Please Forgive

Probably fifteen years ago or so, Virginia Pearce spoke in our Relief Society. She gave a marvelous talk and included a story of a time her father, President Gordon B. Hinckley called and asked if she would accompany him to St. George for a little get away. Before returning home, President Hinckley wanted to visit the site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, where a new monument had been erected. It was raining and the skies were dark. Sister Pearce displayed a large photo of President  Hinckley walking together with his security guard who was holding a large umbrella to cover the two of them. The image has stayed in my mind as has Sister Pearce's sweet retelling of the incident. She said her father, slowly walked through the rain to the site, knelt and prayed and pleaded with God, saying, "we have done all that we can and know to do to put this grievous incident behind us. Please forgive."(Paraphrased from my memory). My words do not do justice to the spirit I felt. I love this great prophet of God, his faith and humility. 

Saturday I visited the site for the first time with our sweet Brinton Family.  We also felt great sorrow and with all my heart I too ask The Lord to "Please forgive." 

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