Thursday, October 20, 2011

Glory Days

Alpine Loop
Aspens and Timp

Morning Run - Emigration Canyon
City Creek 

In Their Glory

    Lately, I have been making it a priority to savor the fabulous weather and scenery.  
    Unfortunately, I got hit by a cold last week and was feeling like just staying home.
     Rather than sit on the couch, or lie in bed,
    I decided to drive the Alpine Loop before the leaves were gone.
      It was a wonderful day.
     I rode the lift at Sundance and remembered many happy times - 
    Skiing during college, First Date, Sunday Brunch,
    Celebrating Jessica and Stewart's Birthdays,
    Entertaining various daughters' boyfriends,
    Checking in with our BYU students: Holly, Melissa, and David,
    Sitting next to Robert Redford while he entertained his table with animal calls, 
    Seeing Melissa after she cut her hair,
    Holly and Matt's Engagement,
     The Utah Symphony, 
    Hiking Timpanogas with Camille.  
    I will always have a special place in my heart for these magnificent mountains.  
    They are one of the most beautiful places on earth.

      This week I have loved running Emigration Canyon with Anne E. and walking City Creek with the Hardy's.  These truly have been "Glory Days"! 

    Best of all he loved the Fall
    The leaves yellow on the cottonwoods
    Leaves floating on the trout streams
    And above the hills 
    The high, blue, windless skies.
    Now he will be a part of them forever.
                      Ernest Hemingway          

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